Dr Adeniyi Asiyanbi

Dr Adeniyi Asiyanbi currently holds the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the Department of Geography, University of Calgary. Prior to this, he was Anniversary Postdoctoral Fellow in Global Environmental Politics in the Politics and International Relations Department, University of Sheffield.

Niyi has a PhD in geography from King’s College London. His work applies insights from political ecology, governmentality studies and geography to the intersection of climate change, forest conservation and neoliberalism. He has published in Political Geography, Geoforum, Environment and Planning A, Environment and Planning E and Environmental Conservation, among others. He has contributed to The International Handbook of Political Ecology (2015), and he is currently co-editing a special issue on REDD+ stabilisation and contestation in the Journal of Political Ecology.

Building on his research on the cross-scalar politics of REDD+ and forest-based climate action broadly, Niyi’s current work explores the co-emergence of regimes of opportunity and risk around forest carbon and forest fires in the mobilisation of forests in climate action in Western Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia.